A while back I was flying a Piper Saratoga from place to place in X-Plane. I gave that up some time ago, but recently have started a similar process in the Alabeo Mooney Ovation. Starting in Half Moon Bay the aircraft is now in Goodland, Kansas, and in each flight I have flown under real-world weather conditions. I was thinking of flying it all the way to the east coast of the US, and then perhaps on to Europe, but I really do prefer being in the Pilot Edge service area so I can practice my ATC skills. Goodland is near the far eastern edge of the PE map, so I’ll probably head south next.
Here’s the current map. I’ve also been live streaming most of these flights on YouTube, and you can find them here. It’s been an interesting experience, especially with me trying to follow real-world procedures and decision making throughout. I also found an Ovation operating handbook online, so I’ve also been following its procedures for managing a complex aircraft. That, too, has been very worthwhile (and thanks to the YouTube viewers who have helped me learn the proper way to lean the mixture for takeoff during the run-up).