Yesterday I was able to build the center pedestal console I’ve been wanting to build for some time, and I thought that today it would be nice to share my plans here as a holiday gift to the cockpit builders who frequent the site, and as a thank you for their readership. So here they are (and this is a preview of what will be in the guide I’m writing). Happy holidays!
6 thoughts on “Center Pedestal Console Plans (An Early Holiday Gift For You)”
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Did you have to buy the ptt switch for the FSX?
Nope. There is a switch on the back that makes PTT live (but not broadcasting) all the time. Then just assign a switch on your yoke to talk to ATC and when you hold that you are talking to PilotEdge, VATSIM, whatever.
What were the thicknesses of the wood you used? I am sorry if you already covered this and I missed it! Thank you for sharing your plans and thank you for your help!
The thin MDF is 1/4 inch.
How did you attach the trim wheel and throttle quadrant to the top?