OTG Live: Fly With Me To The Bahamas Today @ 10:30 AM ET (Home Cockpit Non-VR Flight)

Let’s go overwater! Join me on PilotEdge for a flight from Palm Beach Park (KLNA) to Freeport (MYGF). That’s 75nm in a straight shot, and if time permits we may go on to the nearby West End airport from there. Some folks on PilotEdge made a similar flight a week or two ago and while I missed it, it inspired me to fly in what will be a new part of the sim world for me.

I will make this flight in a C172 to afford better views, so I’m planning about 45 minutes en route. If you would like to join me for the flight, log on to PilotEdge, meet me on the ramp at KLNA around 10:30 AM ET (and I will try to log on a bit before), and set your radios to 123.45 for the pre-flight brief. If you don’t have a PE subscription but would like to join us , go quickly to their website (www.pilotedge.net), get a free two-week subscription, download the PE client per their directions, and meet us there. I hope you can join me in the virtual airspace or via the live stream, which you may find here.

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