One of the fantastic things about PilotEdge is the significant amount of educational resources they provide, one of which is the “I-Rating” series of training scenarios. I’ve already passed the I-1 rating on PilotEdge but thought it would be fun to fly it in VR (it’s an IFR flight to and from John Wayne using the ILS 20R approach) in IFR conditions. I bring Navigraph maps (I picked up an annual Navigraph subscription this week) into the virtual cockpit via the AviTab plugin, which works well. X-Plane 11.3beta5 eats 11+ gig of my VRAM for some reason, which does not work out well. But we complete the flight nonetheless.
Three thoughts based on this simulated hop: 1) Gotta figure out the VRAM situation, as that’s not good and it’s never happened to me before in X-Plane. 2) IFR in VR was very realistic, especially with the clouds. The Jeppesen charts in the cockpit via AviTab work great
, but it’s still quite taxing to manage radios and notes under the headset. This may be a good thing, though, as it creates task saturation, and the realism of VR may make it worth it as it really felt like being under “the hood” real-world. 3) I’m going to plow ahead with the I-Ratings (I’ve done them through I-4 but will do them all starting with the I-1) and their supporting videos as a jump-start on my real-world instrument training. I’ll fly some in VR and some in the physical cockpit and decide which feels like better training and report back.
I flew all of the PE ratings and the SkyHigh Charter check ride in VR. It was loads of fun, but I found that I really had to have my VR cockpit management really finely tuned, because it does complicate some things.
I am just getting back into flight simming after quite a long break, getting the VR sim together and going to re-up my PE sub. I am very concerned about doing the I-Ratings again though in VR. I haven’t figured out MoveVR yet, my pages are just blank (black).
I miss our early morning weekend flights together. Speaking of which, have you ever heard anything from Jiva?
I am thinking of purchasing the GNS530 from Reality XP. I only fly in VR. I was wondering if you find it easier to read in VR than the default 530 from Laminar? Is there any performance hit from running the Garmin trainer software?
I think it is easier to read but the nav data is out of date and you can’t update it without an expensive Garmin subscription. I like it for VFR but would not trust its procedures or waypoints.
Thank you for the quick response. I am going to hold off as I am currently doing most of my flying IFR using Avitab and a Navigraph subscription, so I would like the Nav data updated.
And no real performance hit that I can tell.