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    Basement Fly Guy

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    I was just wondering: how do your friends and neighbors react when they learn about your sim? I never quite know how people will take it. Most think it’s cool, but I also suspect they think I’m insane.

    N15JG On PilotEdge

    Darren McKenna

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    I haven’t started on my Sim flight cockpit yet but I’m a long time sim racer and have a pretty wicked sim race car cockpit. I made it out of 1″ and 1 1/2′ square tubing, welded it and powder coated the finish. I run triple 55″ HDTV’s.  I have real gauges, 7 transducers powered by 5 amps. Real gauges, button boxes, telemetry screens, etc…

    The first time my friends seen it they were blown away, it only took a few weeks and I was getting calls from folks I did not know, lol. My youngest son (23) would bring over 2 or 3 friends at a time and after 5 or 6 hours I would have to politely ask them to go home cause it was 3 in the morning, lol.

    When I look at you flight cockpit BFG, it is the standard I want to achieve in my build. For the time being I use X plane 11 with my race cockpit. It isn’t ideal but money is somewhat tight atm.


    I often watch your video’s (thank you for those) and dream of the day my flight simulator is built to that standard. Thank you for all the resources you provide, for now I dream the dream.



    These images are from a few years ago and my rig has evolved considerably, I just haven’t taken more pics.


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    Alan D. Rhodes

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    I’m about 95% finished with my basement sim, and I can’t seem to get that other 5% because I would rather fly it than work on it.  Several have come in to look at it and fly it a little, and some wonder where I bought it and how I was able to get it in the basement!  When I tell them I built it from plans found on this website, they’re surprised.  All have been impressed by it, and the only one who thinks I’m nuts is probably my wife.  She really likes it though, because she pretty much has the TV to herself in the evenings.  I have been meaning to take some decent pictures and post them, but my plan is to finish the interior walls and ceiling this week, and then post some pictures.  I used a 55″ curved TV for the front screen, 32″ 1080p TVs for the sides, and 3 ipads; one for the six-pack, one for radios, and the 3rd I swap between the XP pop-out GNS 530, a moving chart (iFlightplanner) and the Pilot2ATC I use for ATC (using Duet Display on the ipad as a 4th windows monitor).   I only have one FIP, but hopefully I can save up and get a couple more (expensive little suckers) so I don’t have to swap between VOR, RPM and ILS all the time.  My biggest frustration so far has been my inability to get the aircraft I want edited for use in the sim.  I have a C210 Centurion that I would love to use, but I can’t figure out how to edit it so it looks like the C172 that was posted here.  I use the XP-11 planemaker, but when I’m done removing fuselage parts it just displays the same shape, but in a solid blue color.  Oh well, I am happy with the 172 for now.

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