I’m A Slow Learner

A frustrating few days in the sim recently. I’ve been having repeated crashes to desktop, right after the sim puts the plane on the ramp, both with beta RC2 and 3 (just released today). Nothing seemed to fix it, and the culprit seemed to be the usually rock-solid SPAD.neXt.

The problem? The thing that always seems to be the problem when the sim is acting strangely: USB hub power management. Somehow in recent Windows updates all my USB hubs were set back to “power management on.” This is a no-no in Saitek world. I toggled them all back to power management off and things are right as rain.

I’ve learned this lesson more than once, but didn’t think of it today as it’s been so long since I’ve had the problem. Luckily someone somewhere had mentioned the same issue recently so it was top of mind. But it bears repeating: if things aren’t working as they should, check USB power and power management as a first step.

11 thoughts on “I’m A Slow Learner

  1. Hi
    It’s dave from Scotland –
    I had nothing but trouble using spad/saitek don’t know if it was just me but I completely removed it all and interfaced everything with the leo bodnar cards and assigned in fsuipc –
    everything works perfect for one 1 year


  2. Hi BFG, It was me who put the idea into your head because I had had the same problem (again) recently. Do you reset the settings manually via the Registry or do you have an executable that does it for you (Uraster?)

  3. Hello BFG,

    I have been following your site for about 6 months and I really enjoy your site.

    I recently updated my operating system to windows creator fall edition and after doing so it messed up the driver for my Saitek Pro Flight Yoke System. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the latest divers from Saitek (Logitech) and have had no luck. When I review the driver under the device manager I receive the message listed below:

    Device Status:
    This device is not configured correctly (Code 1)
    The installation failed because a function driver was specified for the device instance.
    To find a driver fir this device, click Update Diver

    I have email Logitech and have received no response.

    Have you seen this problem before or do you have any suggestions?


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