I’m starting a new category of posts here to profile sims like the Basement Sim that readers are building on their own. I think it’s very cool that the Basement Sim has inspired people to build their own, and I very much enjoy reading about folks’ progress and seeing pics of their own simulators.
Today we post some photos sent in from Ian in New Zealand. You can see that his frame is coming along nicely, as is his panel. I can’t wait to see it when it’s done.
If you’ve started building a Basement Sim, email me at ontheglideslope at gmail dot com and I’ll be happy to share your progress.
Thanks for posting this one OTG. I like what Ian is doing with his sim. . A mate an I are on a similar journey, I will send you some pictures that you can post if you like. Our approach is slightly different as its not quite a replica of any particular plane (172/182 like yours, Ians and Flight sim liberty) instead its more generic. Hopefully it too will inspire folks to get into aviation which is what you are doing with your posts and videos, awesome!!!!!
Please do. I’d love to see it.