Recreating some maneuvers from a recent real-world lesson, using the PilotEdge network and ORBX SoCal scenery (Bakersfield). Stalls, steep turns, turns around a point, engine out procedure with go-around, and a return to 30R at KBFL.
Best moment of the video for me is when I say “flops” instead of “flaps.”
– Prepare3d v3.3.5
– Active Sky16
– Active Sky Cloud Art
– ORBX Global, Vector, OpenLC NA, and SoCal
– Piper 28-161 by Spike
What do you use for the ATC sound pack? Definitly not FSX Stock. I realize you are using Prepare 3D and not FSX.
Hi Sean. It’s not a pack, it’s PilotEdge, a real-world ATC simulation service with live controllers doing things by the book. Worth every penny of the $20 monthly subscription IMO. See