KMQS Chester County G. O. Carlson Airport is my second attempt at scenery design. “Chester,” as it is called locally, is a nearby field often used for pattern work by new students, thanks to its wide and long runway (which also makes it a favored stop for corporate jet traffic destined to the western Philadelphia suburbs).
This was a more ambitious project than Brandywine, in part to the much larger network of ramps and taxiways, and the much larger number of hangars on the property. I think it turned out well, and if you would like to download the airport you may do so here. Just uncompress it and put the content folder in your X-Plane Custom Scenery folder.
This scenery requires the following:
- MisterX Library
- OpenSceneryX Library
- Prefab libraries (library only, not the airport files)
It also greatly benefits from the MisterX Airport Environment HD pack, which you may get for free here, and note that the photos below are with HD photo scenery underneath.
Updated to version 2.0 with some significant updates:
- Realignment of all surface areas to better match real-world coordinates.
- Updated taxiway lighting to better reflect real world
- Added Al’s compass rose to tarmac
- Added more aircraft
- Added more and more accurate placement of fuel vehicles
- Added cargo and ground clutter throughout
- New T-tiedowns and cross-hatching on taxiways per real world
- Updated tarmac textures per real word
- Improved and new forest placement and density to better reflect real world, including hand placement of individual trees
And a few other changes here and there. Thanks for downloading, and happy flying.