We Live In Amazing Times: The Latest Live Stream

Tonight I was able to stream XP 11 directly from the Oculus VR headset , on PilotEdge, while monitoring the YouTube live-stream chat in-cockpit via the Oculus Dash feature. Amazing.

We also toss in a few practice engine-out approaches just for good measure.

5 thoughts on “We Live In Amazing Times: The Latest Live Stream

  1. Nice job on this stream! I’m beginning to think VR is a really good way to go, it seems a lot cheaper, more flexible to using different planes, and provides a great deal of realism.

  2. Never tried it, but I will,
    However each day a few hours with the goggles on your face, and the problem of wearing glasses, i wonder what the effect will be for your eyes in the long term?
    Also a bit scared of disoriantation ,

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