Fly With Me Tomorrow On PilotEdge

Fly With Me Tomorrow On PilotEdge

Tomorrow PilotEdge is getting back in the swing of monthly fly-in events with a takeover of Salt Lake City (KSLC), with directions to plan an arrival in the window of 13:00-13:30 PST. They have suggested inbound routes from Phoenix, San Francisco, and Seattle, which are also towered fields in the PilotEdge network.

Given that these are bizjet / airliner routes, I suggested on the PE Discord server a GA / VFR flight set to arrive at the same time: Sun Valley / Haley ID (KSUN) to Salt Lake City (specifically, KSUN BYI OGD KSLC to allow for a little VOR navigation practice). In a 172 that flight should take about 1:45, and in a faster aircraft (I may be in the new JustFlight Turbo Arrow) about 1:20. This should provide some inbound traffic for runways 17/35 at KSLC , which serve the GA side of the field, and may make some of the arrival work a bit more interesting for the controllers handling all those 737s. Should be fun.

If you’ve wanted to do a group flight together, consider joining me. I’ll probably be on the ramp at KSUN around 11:30-12:00 PST / 2:30-3:00 EST. You will need a subscription to the PilotEdge Western US Expansion to make this flight, but given its continually growing coverage, I think that’s money well spent. I will probably fly it in VR to see how well I can actually manage ForeFlight and charts while under the hood, and I might video some of the flight as well. I hope to see you there.

3 thoughts on “Fly With Me Tomorrow On PilotEdge

  1. A, think about flying with SBS-3D using the OculusMirror.exe

    We can all watch in True 3-D on YOUTUBE OR TWITCH, with Big Screen on our Vive, Oculus, WMR, or even Google Cardboard HMDs live or after the flight …

    Hope to be there.

  2. I second Chas’s idea to cast live via YouTube or Twitch. Would be awesome for those of us who don’t yet use PilotEdge (but I think they have a trial available).

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