Today was flight lesson #18, and we used it to do more pattern work, spiced up with no-flaps landings (2), no-power landings (2), a short-field take off, and a soft-field take off. All of this was interesting and fun to fly, and I flew well. Well enough that when taxing back to the ramp at the end of the day my CFI said, “If you had your medical I’d solo you today.” I’m awaiting word on my medical, and may need an exemption, so I’m not allowed to fly solo until it comes through. While this has taken off the pressure of the “when will I solo” thing, it was great to hear today that my CFI believes I’m ready. So we’ll await word from the FAA, and in the meantime, keep plowing ahead on our curriculum.
Here’s today’s lesson in CloudAhoy in case you want to follow along in a virtual debrief. (Note that at this field we turn NW on takeoff for noise abatement.)
Good on you kiddo…sending healing vibes…
Thanks Chas. Heart arrhythmia. Had it since college but it’s only surfaced a few times and never recently. I’m optimistic, but it complicates the paperwork.
Been following your blog for some time now and you have inspired me to “improve” on my flight sim. Keep chasing your dream! At the age of 55 in NOV 2013, I got checked out and am now working on my instrument. I’m curious about your medical though. Is there a way to withdraw or null and void it? If so, would it be easier for you on medical to wait for the Third Class Reform thing to kick in? Good luck!
Hi Bill. Thanks so much. You “go for it” on your sim! Regarding the medical my AME’s advice was to move forward, so that’s what we’re doing. I don’t think it will be a problem – just a delay. And if they don’t let me get my ticket I’ll work out a bulk hourly rate with my CFI so I can at least keep flying.
Hello again,
I’ve been following for about a month now, love what you’re doing.
I guess I missed something though about your medical… may I ask what’s going on there? I just turned fifty, and have been wanting to get back in the cockpit myself.
I’ve got a small heart arrhythmia so I’ll probably need an exemption.
Ah man! Very sorry to hear that.