While I was away ForeFlight released version 8 of its great iPad and web-based electronic flight bag. I had a chance to play with it some over the past few days, and it’s a real upgrade of an already great product. I won’t go into the details here, as Sporty’s iPad Pilot News has an extensive summary online that’s well worth reading, but it’s worth the look for both your real-world and simulated flying. This is even more true with the recent updates to ForeFlight 8 on the web, which make it an online flight planning tool at least equal to SkyVector, especially now that the route you plan online immediately syncs to your iPad.
Oh, and how does one connect ForeFlight with Prepar3d or FSX? Via the FSXFlight plugin. It costs a few bucks, but it works seamlessly.
Love ForeFlight and I’ve been a long time user for both RW and FSX on PE. Wouldn’t fly without it and the ForeFlight team has done a great job with continual updates and upgrades. BUT, having said all that, I am disappointed that they greatly heralded the lead up to release of ForeFlight 8, and I was pumped to use it only to find out that since I am a “Pro” user @ $149 a year, I now have to pay and extra $50 a year to get any benefit from the ForeFlight 8 upgrade. Bummer.
Sorry about posting Anonymous…
No worries!